A Tea Party for Lyla

I'm so behind on posting (sorry!).  I'm also behind on life... what else is new?  I think we are finally coming out the other side of the craziness that has been the past few weeks.  Good thing our baby girl is arriving in 6 short weeks (or 4... or 8).  I really want to meet this child, but Lord help me, I hope it doesn't happen in 4 weeks.   I need more time!  All freaking out aside, we legitimately have everything Lyla needs to start her life (well, except for newborn diapers... and I think I'm really going to need those).  Her stuff is just not as organized as I would like (or at all), but we'll get there!

Anyway, here's the post I drafted about Lyla's baby shower nearly 3 weeks ago:

I knew for a long time that I wanted to get pregnant after I finished grad school.  That said, I didn't know what life post-grad was going to look like for us.  There was a fairly good chance that we would have to relocate for a job.  For whatever reason, I've always had this fear about raising babies in a place where I don't know anyone (p.s. - if you currently find yourself in this predicament, don't fret. Several friends that have gone through this have assured me that babies are, in fact, quite the way to meet people).  Turns out, we were able to stay put in Corvallis (yay!) and to raise our babies in a community that we love.

But two and a half years ago, we didn't know that.  We had never been to Corvallis.  We had no idea what it was like and we certainly did not have any friends.  You move, and you just don't know.  And then you suddenly find yourself in this major transition and new season of life.  You sit down to write a baby shower invite list and you realize... we DO have friends.  We DO have support.  We DO have community.  Good night, it makes me all kinds of teary (like everything else these days).

All of that to say, my mom and two sweet friends of mine recently hosted a woodland-inspired tea party to celebrate Baby Lyla's impending arrival.  Seriously, they outdid themselves.  In case that wasn't enough, my husband, family, and friends all conspired behind my back and one of my dearest friends from California flew in the day before my shower to surprise me (Kelli Moore, I love you so much for this).  Are you kidding me?!  I don't know how I got so lucky.  It was the best weekend.  Lyla and I (and Jake) felt very, very loved.

Here are a few photos from the day (and yes, there are photos of me with said friends and family... but none of them are on my phone--sorry!):

I have to add--my dad MADE these stands. If you know my dad at all, you know this is funny. (And also really cute).

Sweet homemade gifts from Grandma Suzy!

 I have some very lovely ladies in my life--thank you for coming to celebrate our baby girl and for showering her with gifts. We can't wait for you to meet her! 

PS: I legitimately shed a few tears recapping this day for all of you. 
Holy hormones.



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