It's a Girl!

We found out yesterday that Baby Bennett is a GIRL!

Mama confession--I've been convinced these past several weeks that this baby was a boy. And then EVERYONE around us was having girls (have I mentioned that our baby will be little girl number FIVE in our neighborhood, with ZERO baby boys in sight??), so I started thinking there might just be something in the water. Sure enough... bring on the pink!

Our mid-pregnancy ultrasound fell neatly between our 28th birthdays (mine was Monday, Jake's is tomorrow), so initially, we had planned to do a joint birthday celebration with all of our friends and a birthday cake reveal of our baby's gender. Ok, folks, at 19.5 weeks, I was totally out of patience. There was NO way I was going to visit the radiologist on Wednesday and wait patiently until Saturday to cut into a cake and find out my baby's gender. No matter how fun that idea is. Please. Honestly, for those of you who have managed to endure all 40 weeks in this era of ultra clear ultrasounds to find out the gender at the baby's birth, I applaud you--you are way, way cooler than me. Anyway,,,

We are so pleased to introduce our little Lyla Rose Bennett. We cannot wait to meet you, sweet girl!

At nearly 20 weeks, I am feeling great (well, I've felt mostly great since conception, so this isn't necessarily new). Some nights I struggle with pregnancy rhinitis (annoying nasal congestion) and it interrupts my sleep a bit, but it's a minor annoyance. Lower back pain is an on-again/off-again challenge, but I make stretching a daily priority and am really looking forward to starting my prenatal yoga class next week.

My bump finally started to pop a little bit (at least in my view) around 16 or 17 weeks. From about week 13-17 it had a really great disappearing act when it wanted to. Sometimes it was there and sometimes it wasn't. I found myself looking at my belly often, thinking, "baby, are you really in there?". And for awhile there, my morning bump was much different than my night bump--i.e. I would often wake up without much of a bump and by the end of the day and all of my food consumption, I actually looked kinda pregnant. Around week 18, it appeared to arrive for good (however small it might be!). I still fit in all of my regular clothes (with the exception of my super-snug skinny jeans which went out the door very, very early in my pregnancy... and my bras. Good night, do I need to remedy that problem). I have a feeling my luck is going to run out soon, though, and I will actually need to purchase some maternity staples.

I finally noticed a few kicks around week 18. They say you can feel the babe anytime between 16-20 weeks, but for first pregnancies it's usually the later part of that window, so I did my best to be patient with that. The kicks have been my favorite. They are totally inconsistent and random at this stage, but I love them all the same. I grabbed Jake's hand just in time a couple of nights ago, and (after many previously failed attempts) he finally got to feel what I was feeling. Baby girl is a wiggle worm! The ultrasound tech had to try all sorts of antics to get the pictures and the measurements she needed.

Bump appearance + baby kicks + being able to call this baby by name = this pregnancy is getting real. Just 20 more weeks (or so) to go!


  1. SO SO exciting!!! Love that you feel her! Can't wait to meet your sweet Lyla!!

  2. Thanks, friend! I can't wait to get all of our girls together later this year! :)

  3. So happy for you Casey! Little girls are just the best...and I love her name! That's always been one at the top of my list. And I was one of those crazy 40 week people. :)

  4. Aw, thanks, Amy! And I remember that! I think it's super cool in theory--I just don't have the patience for it in practice :)


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