Snow Day!

Today marks the 4th day that our town has been covered in white. It's also the second day that OSU has been closed. We took Friday to play, but Jake's back on the road delivering cider and I'm working from home today. At 27-years-old, this was our first ever Snow Day experience. Jake and I were joking about how the last time we had time off from work/school, it was because wildfires laid claim to San Diego County (and, as many of you know, that happened more than once). Talk about a paradigm shift!

It is SO weird out there, people. This weather is NOT normal. Not even a little bit. I don't know if Corvallis has ever seen negative temps ( I don't know if I have ever experienced negative temps!). I was talking to a friend at church yesterday, who also moved to Corvallis from San Diego, and she put it perfectly--snow is to Corvallis as rain is to Southern California. Nobody knows what to do with themselves. Everything is closed. Roads (and drivers) are a mess. We went to the grocery store yesterday and it was like social hour in there--everyone had finally decided food was a worthy cause to finally leave the house.

We've gotten outside a lot more than usual these past few days--taking walks in the snow is WAY more enjoyable than walks in the rain. My nose and fingertips always hurt by the time we get back to the house, but it's just too darn pretty not to spend time out there. Snow, you may have shut down life around here, but I sure do like having you around. Especially at Christmas! Stay awhile, maybe?


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