Today, I came home from work. Yep, that's all. The end. It wasn't, today I came home and did a lit review. Or today I came home and edited (yet again) one of my ten page papers. Or today I came home and rehearsed one of my four presentations. Or today, after working and going to class and meeting with one of my four different groups on one of four different projects, I finally came home and scrambled to come up with something remotely resembling a meal. Nope. Today, I just came home. That's right folks, this morning, I turned in my LAST project for the term. Hallelujah. I can say with profound certainty that I have never in my life been more excited for spring break. Maybe relieved is the better word. Either way, I could not be more thankful that this hellish term is officially over. (My husband would probably tell you the same thing--I haven't been the most cheerful person ever these past few weeks :/). Cheers to Spring Break 2012!

Speaking of spring, well, let's be honest, we're still very much in winter--mother nature has certainly taken her  last stand in the Pacific Northwest and has made it abundantly clear that spring has officially not arrived. It has been raining for probably the last 10 days straight. Although, in fairness, we have gotten a bit of a break during the day these past few days, and for that I'm thankful. The next 10 days don't promise much better:

That sunshine finally arriving on Saturday, by the way, has literally been pushed back every. single. day. Initially, it was Tuesday, then Wednesday, then Thursday... well, you get the picture. Jake and I discouragingly check the weather everyday hoping and praying that something has changed for the better. That never happens. So, while the rest of the country was enjoying unusually warm, early spring temps, we were getting hammered with rain and on a couple days, snow. Fun times! BUT... the daffodils! Oh my word. It's like overnight, they just appeared everywhere, and their bright yellow stands out so much against all the gray and green. Little flower stands have popped up at the local family farms that I drive by everyday on my way to school/work (which, side note, is a HUGE upgrade from my former unpleasant 125N - 52W - 805N daily commute). I am still grossly uneducated about Oregon's growing season, what plants/flowers are native or wild, and I've never experienced a real spring before, so the arrival of the daffodils, and some of the trees starting to blossom is all pretty new (and pretty awesome!) to me. We actually took the pups on a walk over the weekend, during one of the days where we had some reprieve from the rain, and there was one street that was entirely lined with trees in bloom. Gorgeous.

Also, spring is a great time of year to spot bald eagles around here. Fun (gross?) fact: they hang out in the pastures and eat the afterbirth after the baby lambs are born. Who knew?? Both Jake and I have randomly ended up in Lebanon over the past few weeks (it's a semi-rural, ag-based community about 20 minutes east of us) and we each saw 2-3 of them in just the brief time we were out there. I'm not really into birds, but seeing bald eagles is pretty dang cool.

Anyway, all of that to say, while spring is certainly on its way, we are SO ready for some warmer, drier weather. For now, though, I am going to bask in my cup of coffee and watch some guilt-free television, knowing that there is absolutely NOTHING hanging over my head :).


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