Yeah, I like him

First of all, I really should be studying for Biostatistics.

It's amazing how just about anything and everything sounds more interesting when your other option is studying for Biostatistics. I've been knee-deep in papers for the past two weeks and have scarcely given biostats a thought, so it has pretty much vacated my brain, entirely. Getting it back is quite another matter. Maybe cleaning my floors will help... But, I digress.

I've been struggling to make sense of this season in our life. It's a unique one. After a few years of feeling pretty dang settled after all of the changes you go through as a college student, sometimes, I feel like we're all the way back there again. Within one summer, Jake and I got married, moved out of state, and I put my career on-hold to go back to school full-time. (We considered throwing a baby and a mortgage in there, but figured we should maybe save a few major life changes for later.)

And really, all of that is tolerable. Having tight finances isn't ideal, but it's not the end of the world. (And there's the potential that may be changing soon, so we have a hopeful attitude in that department. I've got an interview for a PT time in a couple weeks--prayers, please!) And, against all odds, we're actually acclimating to and (dare I even say it??) enjoying this major change in climate.

BUT, we desperately miss our friends. Sure, there are people at work and at school that we talk to, but it's not the same. We haven't met the I-can-totally-bare-my-soul-to-you-and-you-won't-judge-me kind of friends, yet. Those take time. And they're really hard to live without. There are days that I would give my left arm to have coffee, breakfast, lunch, dinner, drinks, ANYTHING with one of my girlfriends! We'll get there. But in the meantime, we just make fun of each other and how our new pursuit of friends is remarkably similar to dating.

And yet, in the midst of this season of transition, when we have little to no social support, our finances are tight and family isn't quite as close as they were before, my husband and I are finding that we actually really LIKE each other (we, quite obviously, love each other, too. Liking takes a little more effort). Admittedly, I'm actually a little shocked that we aren't sick of each other, yet. Jake and I literally spend every spare moment together. Exponentially more than we did in our previous life. We cook together. Clean together. Run errands together. Spending time with each other is actually the norm rather than something we work towards. We are each other's friends in the truest sense of the word. I had lived alone for nearly two years before Jake and I got married, so no one is more surprised than me by how profoundly I enjoy my husband's company.

On a totally separate note, but something that really needs to be talked about is this ridiculously A-M-A-Z-I-N-G weather we've been having. Seriously. We are in our second straight week of ZERO rainfall. Not even a drop. This is totally rare for this time of year and I'm so thankful that mother nature has given us some grace as we transition into our first winter here. Now, we rarely climb out of the 30s and the fog can get really, really intense, but the briskness really does put you in the Christmas spirit.

 Happy Christmas season from the Bennett household!


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