I've had a lot of time on my hands...

My last final was Friday the 9th. Clearly, school was taking up a huge amount of my time. I've been bored out of my mind since, and have been occupying myself in all of the following ways:

Baking. Normally, I bake up several batches of peanut butter balls, sugar cookies, seven layer bars and peppermint bark, but given that we don't have any friends, family, coworkers, etc. to pawn them off on and we rarely manage to make it through baked goods ourselves, I've just baked a few things throughout the month.

These little guys weren't quite as easy as Pinterest promised, but I did get a stellar peanut butter cookie recipe out of it, and there are no five-year-olds living here, so nobody was too disappointed.

These bad boys are fabulous! I have another batch prepping in the freezer right now :)

Cooking. Again, thank you, Pinterest-- these baked chicken bites were excellent!

 Crafting a DIY project or two:

Doing a whole lot of yoga. Like everyday. It's been really, really nice. I desperately miss Maya and Lisa, my yoga instructors in SD, but on our budget, Yoga Zone on Hulu Plus will have to do :)

I wish I could say I've also been running, but it is just really hard to motivate yourself when it's 35 degrees outside. It really was brilliant on my part to take a running class last term (talk about accountability!).While I may not be getting my run on as often as I'd like, these sweet pups do get a walk just about everyday, weather permitting.

And I completed this brick of a book. I had read Kostova's other the novel, The Historian, earlier this fall. Her work never fails to take me back to Europe--this time to Paris... sigh. I can't believe it's been nearly four years since I've been. I highly recommend it (Paris and the book).

And, of course, I've been busy shopping, shipping, and wrapping lots and lots of gifts. 

A big thank you to Amy Moss at Eat, Drink, Chic for providing the super cute free, downloadable gift tags. L-O-V-E them!

So, I've successfully managed to use up 14 days of winter break. I'm really trying to appreciate the fact that I have such (ridiculously) ample time on my hands. I know that the season of life coming at us after graduate school is going to be one of balancing busy work schedules and babies, and "spare" time will cease to exist as we know it.

As for our Christmas plans, well, we WERE supposed to spend a week at my parents house. Then, we found out last weekend that Petco had blocked out all of December and January for managers. Lovely. So, its officially 48 hours before Christmas and we are praying and crossing our fingers for the 25th-27th off to make a super quick jaunt south so that we can at least spend some time with our family! Here's hoping...

Merry Christmas to you and yours!


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