One Year with Lyla

May 27th was a happy 1st birthday for our sweet Lyla girl!

Last week, our baby turned ONE.  One year.  12 months.  52 weeks.  365 days.  Oh how our lives have changed, how much we have grown-up, and how abundantly we love this little human.  Was there life before Lyla?  It's so hard to picture.  I remember it, sure.  It was easier.  Simpler.  We definitely had more money and more free time.  And I would not choose to go back to that time even for a second.  Quite simply, Lyla is the very best thing Jake and I have ever done.

It's amazing what a tiny baby can pack into a year.  Honestly, this time last year Lyla was little more than a snuggly, sleeping, nursing, peeing, pooping, crying little lump of helplessness.  Fast forward to the present and Jake and I pretty much spend our days chasing our BUSY bee around the house trying to prevent her from injuring herself in her relentless pursuit to get into everything she is not supposed to.  She can't walk yet (she is SO close!), but she thinks she needs to climb on everything--the laundry basket, the furniture, the bookcase, the highchair, the windowsill, for goodness sake.  She's taken a sudden interest in trying to pull everything out of the electrical outlets (they've all been covered with safety inserts for months, in case you were wondering).  Child.  Please.   I read somewhere recently that you should have at least one room in the house that is completely safe and baby proof.  Well, we currently have the luxury of a dedicated playroom.  But let me tell you something about "safe" and "child-friendly" rooms, my friends: they are not nearly as interesting as the other "unsafe" rooms (which, really, are pretty dang child-friendly, too). Oh sure, she's got toys, music, books,  a tunnel and a play kitchen.  But what fun is that when you could play with the danger of electricity and climbing to great heights?!  Not to mention, she can now climb onto the rocking chair and her music table in there, so that room, like the others, is officially no longer safe.

When we aren't busy with risk management and injury prevention, we really are enjoying the little girl this baby is growing into.  She is SO fun.  Just a giggly, babbling, engaging girl.  She is becoming more interactive and social by the day and we LOVE it.  While I miss the tiny baby phase a lot, this current stage is Jake's favorite to date.  I have to admit, the man has a point.  She is pretty fantastic right now.

We are deeply, deeply thankful for this gift of parenthood, and the health of our baby.  The past year has been boring and typical, in the best possible way.  It is not lost on us, how very lucky we are to enjoy both the magical and the mundane tasks of parenting on a day to day basis.  I have been reminded often in the past year, that the same is not true for all of us.  To have a child is to open yourself up in the most vulnerable way to the challenges of this broken world.  Knowing that I have a healthy, happy baby in the next room that I can hug and kiss and squeeze anytime I want nearly knocks me over with gratitude sometimes.

Lyla Rose, you have brought us so much joy in the past year.  We cannot wait to watch you grow.  Cheers to you on your first birthday, my sweet girl!  Love you to the moon and back.


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