Nine Months with Lyla

Lyla Rose is 9 months old!

As you have seen, I take one of the above photos for each passing month.  Lyla has been mobile for several months, but man, this gets more difficult every time.  Here's a little look at how these attempts really go (not that my photo above is much better.  Talk about blurry!):

I apologize for my redundancy here, but really-- three-quarters of a year, already?!  Why oh why does it go so fast?!  Admittedly, this past month has been a bit rough for all of us.  We moved, which is never, ever an easy transition (as much as I so want it to be).  BUT, we moved into a home that we OWN.  Which is huge.  Between moving, hosting visitors, and all of us coming down with colds, it has just been a lot.  Our normally happy-go-lucky, easygoing girl was a bit out of sorts-- fussier, clingier, and whinier than usual.

We went to her 9 month well baby check-up earlier this week and our sweet girl has scaled back a bit in terms of growth.  She's 16 pounds, 12 ounces and 28.5 inches long-- getting longer and leaner by the month.  I need to be upping her fat intake somehow (we do full-fat dairy, avocados, etc., but it sounds like we need to do more!).

Lyla LOVES playing peekaboo and enjoys just about any song that has hand motions that go along with it.  She has started doing the FUNNIEST thing where she shakes her head back and forth (like she's saying no) whenever she is "dancing" to music.  I die.  It is so dang funny.  "Dada" is definitely her favorite thing to say, but we don't think she has connected the dots just yet as to what that word means.  She waves hi and bye and does this super cute little motion with her hand when she wants you to "come here."  Our new home is almost twice the size as our former rental and she often crawls quickly into another room and then peeks around the corner to see if you have come after her yet.  Her top two teeth are almost through, which makes her big smile all the sweeter.

Enjoy the photos of her 9th month!

Lastly, I am currently behind in nearly every aspect of my life, but I DO plan to share a photo tour of our house when we are more settled.  For the time being, I'll leave you with a sneak peek of the view from our front porch:

Yes, we live across the street from a park.  It's pretty magical.
Full post coming soon!


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