5 Months with Lyla

Last Monday, our sweet baby turned 5-months-old!  

(Please excuse my atrocious picture-taking-shadow in this photo. Ugh)
It's been a busy month for this little girl.  We planned a number of quick trips in October and it was crazy.  Not to mention that in the midst of all these trips, this girl was busy trying to learn, well, everything.  

I feel like we're very much transitioning into a new season of babyhood, if you will.  It's almost as though Lyla is developing overnight.  I can barely keep up with her and the speed at which she learns things.  For one, she is officially crawling.  She has been on the verge for weeks and the time has finally come.  She doesn't necessarily crawl in the traditional sense; the girl definitely has her own style.  But she moves fast.  Gone are the days where we could quickly duck into the next room to manage tasks.  You can barely take your eyes off of her for a second.  I've been pretty anti-stuff because of our small living quarters, but we just purchased an exersaucer for the sake of our sanity--she can wiggle away and yet be totally stationary (hooray!).  She also decided to start sitting up all on her own.  That wasn't a skill we really even worked on.  I propped her up very occasionally, but in her obsession with learning how to crawl she developed this little side sit that has morphed into her being able to fully sit up unassisted.  This is not to say that she isn't still a little floppy, she is.  The girl can roll with the best of them.  

This past month also marked baby girl's first trip down south to meet dear San Diego family and friends-like-family.  She was an unbelievably good traveler.  Jake and I were seriously in awe (as were our fellow passengers who were very pleasantly surprised).  It honestly could not have gone better.  Of course, her naps were all over the place and we had a ton going on, so we had a few meltdown moments.  But by and the large, the girl was a joy.  Jake and I were so thankful to have the opportunity to introduce her to so many of our nearest and dearest.  Our trip was much too short.

We sure love this busy little bee and watching her learn and grow!


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