Lyla Rose Bennett

She's here!

Lyla Rose Bennett made her big debut last Tuesday, May 27, 2014
(4 days prior to her due date).  I can't believe it's already been a whole week since our lives changed forever.  It has been the BEST, most sleep deprived week of my life.  My mom stayed with us for Lyla's first week, helping us with cooking and cleaning, running errands, stocking our fridge and freezer, helping us get a bit more sleep and, of course, getting lots of baby snuggles.  She left yesterday, so we are readjusting to a new normal in this second week of parenthood.  Jake had initially planned to go back to work when my mom left, but decided to hangout with Lyla and I for a few more days (yay!).

We've made sure to get in a few family outings during her first week including 2 trips to the pediatrician's office for weight checks (why we had to go back a second time, I don't know.  As the one who feeds her, I know baby girl is a good eater!  She gained 4 ounces in the 2 days between visits and was back up to her birth weight).  We have also had a few family walks (pups included--our dogs LOVE her, by the way.  It is the sweetest.) and we made it to Starbucks and the Saturday market over the weekend.  Lyla loves her stroller, riding in the car, and took to breastfeeding like a champ.  Sleeping in her Moses basket (or anywhere other than someone's arms), however, not so much.  It is an ongoing challenge around here.  Someday we will get it figured out.

We are soaking up every moment of this tiny newborn stage, knowing how very, very fleeting it will be. Here are a few peeks of our sweet girl:

Birth story to come!


  1. what a precious gift! such a sweet little face! you are wise to soak up those newborn'll blink and she'll be six (at least that's how it feels to me now). the days are long but the years are's so happy for your sweet family.


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