Lyla's nursery inspiration

Well before I became pregnant, I knew I wanted a woodland-inspired nursery, regardless of the baby's gender.  If we were having a boy, I was going to go a little more Oregon/camping/adventure with it (and I still might someday--I have too many ideas not to! Permitting we have a boy, of course).  When we found out we were having a girl, I wanted the woodland theme to be a little more whimsical than adventure, per se.  Problem was, I had spent so much time thinking about the overall feel of the space, I had given absolutely NO thought to color.  When you have a creative, crafty mom and grandma in your life, there is no time to stew over your vision--they needed color schemes and ideas, stat!  This pregnancy was already halfway over, after all.

After picking up a couple of paint samples at Home Depot, we opted for Behr's Gobi Desert--neutral, but it sure warms up baby girl's room.  During the unprecedented Corvallis Snowpocalypse (round 2, I might add), we had 4 days of free time on our hands, so my super helpful husband got busy painting.  Our crib had arrived and been setup earlier that week.  (After stumbling upon Target's baby sale online by accident, we ended up getting a great deal on a high-quality crib + free mattress. Major win for mom!).  This was all around 23-24 weeks of pregnancy, so we were getting things done way sooner than I anticipated... yay!

Here's the challenge of a woodland-inspired room for girls: the world is currently obsessed with owls.  Don't get me wrong, I love owls as much as the next person (and they will be featured throughout Lyla's room, sometimes by my own doing), but where are the deer and the foxes and the bears?  Come on, folks.  More creatures live in the woods besides owls.  Don't even get me started on the fabric available at JoAnn.  Rawr. An ongoing challenge for me has been making sure that her room is, in fact, woodland-inspired and not owl-inspired.  I also don't love store bought nursery sets--the overly coordinated-ness of it crushes my creative spirit a little bit, so  her room will be a collection of things bought or made separately.  (My mom's on a roll--4 crib sheets made already! And I recently purchased fabric for a 5th. I am really, really good at commissioning projects. Executing them... not so much).

I should also mention that this room is pulling double duty.  With all of our immediate family, the vast majority of our extended family, and friends-like-family living out of town, we absolutely cannot lose our guest room.  That space already gets plenty of mileage and with a baby on the way, we need it more than ever.  So, we're keeping the guest bed and during our summer of visitors (when Lyla will still be in our room, anyway), it will be available for family and friends.  In the longer-term, we plan to just sleep in there and surrender our room when we have guests in town.  I want people to always feel welcome and like they have a space here.  So, we're learning to compromise in our small space.  It also means we're learning to be strategic with layout and choosy about furniture pieces (because we sure aren't getting very many).  The hunt is still on for the right dresser/changing table combo and I'm going to try (the operative word here is try) to squeeze in a small bookcase and a rocking chair.  Maybe.  My great-grandmother's small rocker is currently being stored at my parents' house and it just might fit!  We'll see.

Below, you'll find the inspiration board I created for our sweet girl's room:

Some of these items actually WILL appear in the space, and some are there just for ideas/inspiration.  I'll do a full blog post later on when her room is complete.  Can't wait!


  1. Claire has the fawn clock in her room...we LOVE it! This is adorable Casey! Can't wait to see it all together.


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