And baby makes three!

Truth--I've hardly blogged the last several weeks because I simply did not know how to talk about our life without mentioning our huge news.

We have a baby on the way!

I have wanted to be a mama, well, since before I got married :). Just a month after Jake and I tied the knot, we moved to Oregon so that I could dive into a full-time MPH program for 2 years. That said, we knew that we were tabling the baby phase until after I got my degree. In the midst of my program (when I was tired and overwhelmed nearly all of the time), we had a lot of discussions about maybe waiting another year after I graduated just so maybe we could do something else besides school. Honestly, though, as I got closer to degree completion, we both knew we weren't going to make it another year. We started fondly referring to many of our plans as our "year before baby," so we went on an all-inclusive vacation to Cancun for 8 days, whitewater rafting and beer tasting in Bend... you know, things that aren't as easy with a baby in tow (or in your belly).

That said, while my graduate degree was important to us, we also knew that I needed to be working and have health insurance before we were ready to get pregnant. I am a planner by nature... AND I know that babies operate on their own timetables (regardless of my goals, dreams, hopes and plans). But this babe may already understand mama a little bit :). I think back on this now, and I sort of can't believe it, but our timeline went a little something like this:

June: graduated with my MPH
July: started working full-time
August: health benefits kicked in
September: we got pregnant!

We found out we were pregnant on September 21, and just happened to have family photos scheduled for a few days later--so we got to incorporate a pregnancy announcement into our shoot! Here are a few of the photos (many thanks to Charlotte Trask Photography):

Baby Bennett will be joining us on or around May 31, 2014. We can't wait to meet you, little one!


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