The good life

Life is so good at the Bennett house. We closed out the end of the summer by spending a week in San Diego visiting friends and family and namely, hanging out with this little nugget:

Trenton was in the hospital the first 4 days we were there, but since he was released on September 15, baby boy has been fever free and NOT in the hospital. It was so good to see the little guy feeling better! (To learn more about Trenton's story, click here). It was SO hot while we were there, but that meant we got some serious beach and pool time and worked up a tan that will maybe (it's highly doubtful) last us through the winter up here. We gotta soak up every bit of sun when we can!

We got back from San Diego and Jake and I both went back to working like crazy, then school started the following Monday. We celebrated a successful end to the first week of school by raising a glass (or two or three... ;)) at the 2 Towns Ciderhouse grand opening. Friends of ours, and former San Diegans, introduced us to 2 Towns a few months ago, and it was great to finally see their new facility and enjoy some samples. We also got try mead for the first time. Anyone had it before?? It's honey wine, and the guy who makes it is a former beekeeper (which I think is just SO dang cool). I can't say that it was my personal favorite, but Jake really liked it, and I think it could be an acquired taste. I don't think 2 Towns is available outside of Oregon just yet, but if you're interested, check it out!

And now, here we are, it's the third week of the term and about the time I start to have anxiety about projects or assignments or the fact that 8 months from now I have to figure everything out all over again... and yet, I'm not stressed at all. It's totally out of character for me, so we're a little perplexed, but we're rolling with it. I adore my husband, have a fulfilling job, it's my last year of grad school, we fall more in love with Corvallis by the day, fall is gracing us with some stunning weather, AND the Beavs are 4-0! What is there to worry about?


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