Crazy Town

Remember that blogpost I wrote last December, titled something along the lines of I have a lot of time on my hands? Yeah, I don't really know who that person/those people are anymore. Almost overnight, it seems as though Jake and I have found ourselves entirely overcommitted (in the best possible way, of course, but overcommitted nonetheless). We made it out to a Beavers baseball game and then enjoyed happy hour and a walk by the river on the most gorgeous Saturday a couple of weeks ago. Mid-walk, I realized that (with the exception of ONE free weekend in May) we were actually enjoying our only free weekend until the middle of June. Are you kidding me? It's also recently come to our attention that there is not a single night Sunday through Thursday that Jake and I stay home and spend time together. Not one.
And yet... life is so good! In the midst of being tired, stressed, sick, and just plain missing each other, we try and keep in mind all the things that we're thankful for:

  • We moved! Our move to Corvallis has been huge for us. Mostly because it significantly curtailed our commutes--I'm about 5 minutes from school/work and Jake is about 10 minutes from work (as opposed to 30 and 25 minutes, respectively). And while moving is always a crazy process, we had SO much help! When we arrived last fall, Riley and Curtis generously drove down from Portland to help us, and just the 4 of us unpacked our giant moving truck (otherwise, it would have been just the 2 of us). This last weekend, we had 10+ people show up early on their Saturday morning, and our entire apartment was empty in one hour! I had not planned to clean until Sunday, but I was able to stay behind and clean the entire apartment, while everyone else unloaded all our goods with Jake at our new apartment. Needless to say, we have WONDERFUL friends and family! We could not be more thankful.
  • The  sunny days are (sort of) starting to balance out the rainy days. All things being equal, a nice day here completely changes your attitude--I don't know how to explain it, because growing up in Southern California, I never experienced this phenomenon. It also means that everything else besides being outside becomes totally irrelevant.
  • We're making our first trip to San Diego since we moved in just 3 weeks! We are so excited to catch up with family and friends, celebrate some nuptials, and hopefully (fingers crossed and lots of prayers!) our sweet nephew will make his debut a little early so that we can meet him!
  • Tomorrow, we are heading to Bend! We have had several long days in a row now and we cannot wait to spend the weekend with my family. On the books--hiking, golfing (dad and Jake), distillery tour, a couple of brewery tours, eating great food and RELAXING. Can you tell we're counting down the hours??

Life is crazy, but life is good... we're just trying to learn to navigate it all. So, if you don't hear from us for the next 5 weeks, it's only because I'm busy trying to write the 50+ pages I need to plow through for all my various classes this term. Thank goodness I'm almost halfway done with graduate school--it's getting in the way of my life! Ha, I do try and bear in mind that school is why we moved here in the first place :). 5 more weeks until summer!


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