Back to reality...

Let's play a little game, shall we??

What do the following two pictures have in common?

Any guesses?

If you said, the items in each of those two pictures cost THE EXACT SAME AMOUNT, congratulations--you are correct!

Anyway, enough about how much it's costing us to finance my education--books are a very, very, very SMALL percentage of that dollar figure, so let's not dwell on that... I went back to school this week, and (for those of you who are currently in graduate school, or already have a graduate degree this will come as no surprise) I had 85 pages of reading assigned for one of my classes before the quarter even started. Ouch.Welcome back to the world of academia! But, if I'm being honest, I am a huge nerd at heart and I LOVE school. In fact, I had sort of lost sight of how much I loved school when I was working. (Probably because I loved my job so much, but I'll get to do that type of work again someday... sigh).

In other news, my rockstar of a husband started out at Petco at 7 hours a week (we won't talk about that week--I might have had a meltdown or two...), to 25 hours the following week to 38 hours this week! The store has a new general manager, and since Jake keeps hitting it out of the park, he'll probably soon have the full-time management position that they could not promise him when we initially arrived. Yay for being able to pay our bills!

Oh, and did I mention that it's freaking COLD?!? People kept telling me that September and October were warm and beautiful here. While there were several days of unbearable heat this month, the weather here turns on a dime. Plus, it doesn't warm up until much later in the day, so I freeze my little California hiney off in the morning. That said, fall in Corvallis is pretty spectacular and given that OSU has several old, brick buildings (the university was founded in 1868), campus is absolutely gorgeous with all the fall leaves. It's a big change from the very different beauty of the two Southern California universities that I attended for undergrad, but it's a nice change.

I know I promised house photos, but we're still not quite done, yet :/. For now, you'll just have to be satisfied with the sneak peek of our new sofa. Hang in there, I promise they're coming soon!


  1. Love this! I actually guessed what the 2 had in common as I know how much your sofa cost :-) Nice to see a pic of the sofa. Very pretty! So similar to ours.

  2. Oh Casey....That is so funny....yet so sad:(


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