Lyla is 2!

I haven't done a post about Lyla in so long!  She is definitely two, folks.  I won't mince words about that.  I've said it before and I'll say it again--the toddler phase is a hard one for me.  There are so many things that I love about it... and also a lot of things that are challenging.

We've definitely been experiencing our fair share of tantrums, meltdowns, pushing of boundaries and testing of the waters.  Sometimes I feel like I am learning as much as she is--about patience, tone, redirection, being intentional and not so reactive.  It's hard work.  

On the totally opposite spectrum, she has started being SO sweet and polite.  If you give her something or help her with a task she always responds sweetly with a, "thank you, mama."  If she bumps into you while pushing her baby stroller (in laps around the house, on the daily), she is quick to say sorry.  If you sneeze, she says, "bless you."  It is the sweetest.   I'd like to think she picked this up from Jake and I, that we are [hopefully] modeling this behavior for her.  :)

I have to say the HUGE increase in vocabulary at this age is awesome.  There are so many words!  And she can string together small sentences.  And articulate what's wrong or what she needs/wants.  It's amazing.  She also says/does hilarious little things like walk around with one of her fake phones saying, "Hello? Hi, I Casey" or "Dada music drum" after watching her dad play drums at church.  I die.  It is so dang funny. (And not so funny?  Telling the dog to shut up.  We're working on that.)

She's still as busy and active as can be.  If we let her, she could play out at the park all day, skipping meals altogether.  Eating lately is not so much her jam, and while she has historically been a really great eater, we are starting to notice more of those fickle eating behaviors popping up.  She loves music (goo-gick, in her words) and singing and knows a number of songs by heart--toddler and otherwise.  ABCs, Twinkle, Twinkle, and Mary had a Little Lamb are her faves.  She even knows some of the lyrics on Mutemath's latest album, too :).  She also randomly learned how to count (seemingly overnight) last month.  We read books that have counting sequences, and we certainly count things together from time to time.  But literally, one day out of nowhere on the swings, she spouted out 1 through 10 all in a row, like it was no big deal.  I don't think she entirely gets the whole concept (#8 gets left out a lot), but it was a good reminder for me of what a little sponge she is--she's soaking it all up!  I know she's just watching and observing, trying to figure it all out.

We haven't made the transition to her toddler bed yet, or attempted to potty train.  We have all the tools, we just need the time.  Jake is finally not working every weekend anymore (hallelujah!) and once we get through our upcoming summer trips, we plan to start making those big girl transitions (one thing at a time, of course).  And just like that, our first born isn't a baby anymore.

Happy (belated) Birthday, Lyla Rose!  We sure love you!


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