Eleven Months with Lyla

Lyla Rose is 11 months old!

I can't believe our first baby is just weeks away from celebrating her first birthday!  They don't lie when they say that it goes too fast. I hear some veteran moms talk about what age of children they think they were made to parent.  Not that they didn't enjoy the other phases... actually, that's not entirely true; I've heard more than one woman say that she really was not cut out for the baby phase.  And that's totally ok; it can be a challenging time.  The thing is, I think I am made for the baby phase.  I LOVE it.  I still HAVE a baby and I am jealous of women with newborns.  I really look back with very few negative feelings about lack of sleep, excessive crying, changing countless diapers, etc.  In fairness, I think (I know) we have had an unusually easy first go at it.  Aside from not taking a bottle for several months (which I did not have to deal with--ha!), Lyla was really about as easy as they come.  Which is why, as much as I am enjoying her growth and development, I so, so, SO miss my teeny, squishy, sweet, cuddle bug of a baby girl.

But they don't stay babies forever.  So I am appreciating each new stage as it comes and remembering fondly what came before. And the truth is, I am loving 11 months.  Lyla is smart, funny, endearing and just a joy to be around.  There have been a number of times this past month when Jake and I have looked at each other at the end of the day and asked, "did our daughter cry at all or even whine today?!"  She really is so easygoing.  Most of the time, of course.  My family was in town for Easter weekend and Lyla actually demonstrated some separation anxiety and stranger danger for the first time ever.  It was so out of the norm, that I really wasn't quite prepared for it. (Here I was thinking it was going to be an easy weekend for me with so many extra hands.  Ahhh, the best laid plans...) But that was really our only challenge this month.  She has been cutting two more teeth for what feels like forever now--one on the bottom left, the other on the top right.  I know, it's going to be a great look when those come in ;).  She's still sleeping like a champ and seems to be eating round the clock these days.

I think what's been the very most fun about this age is how very engaged and communicative she is.  She can't say much, just dada, mama (FINALLY! although with zero regularity), and uh oh.  But she babbles on and on, points to things, gives hugs and kisses and high-fives, waves hi and bye, plays ball with you, makes all kinds of faces and is so very expressive.  The majority of the time we have a general sense of what she needs or wants.  How lovely it will be when she can use her words!  She is REALLY into her books right, particularly Llama, llama, Easter egg, a gift from my grandmother who was also in town for Easter brunch.  I can't even keep track of how many times a day we read it to her.  Lyla and Stella have become best buddies; she knows which toys are Stella's and she will hold them up and throw them to her.  Stella will gently take the toy and plays very short-lived games of tug-of-war with Lyla.  She doesn't bat an eye when Lyla attempts to "pet" her (we're still learning what gentle means).  Her patience is rewarded with the occasional snack, as Lyla has just figured out that she can give bites of her food to the dogs.  Their little friendship is SO cute.

Here are the latest photos of our girl--enjoy!


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