Lyla's First Month

I cannot believe our sweet girl is already one month!  (Well, with the late-ness of this post, 6 whole weeks now--I'll be dipping into some month 2 updates. Forgive me.).  I find myself missing my tiny baby, but it sure is fun to see her more smiley, alert, and taking in the world around her.  I have no idea how much she has grown, but at her 2-week check-up, our big girl was already 9.5 pounds, so if I had to guess, I'd bet she's close to 11 now.

Lyla really is a pretty easy going baby.  I mean, don't get me wrong, the girl can belt out the cries when she wants to, but mostly she just grunts at us when she's hungry, tired, wet, unhappy, etc.  If the grunts don't get her the attention she needs, then she'll resort to crying.  She is super strong, holding her head up like a champ and already trying to roll over.  Lyla is so easy to take on the go; she doesn't mind the carseat, loves car rides and her stroller and is content as long as we keep moving.  She LOVES the water (whether she's in the bath or the shower) and being held.  Baby girl is SUCH a cuddle bug.  My word.  It's amazing that we get anything done around here.  Admittedly, I indulge her from time to time and will snuggle her through an entire nap.  She's only going to be tiny for so long and there will come a day where she doesn't want to cuddle with mom anymore; I'm soaking it up!  Her latest (not so fun) trend has been putting up epic sleep battles.  She naps so well during the day, but the girl just does not want to go to bed at night.  Can newborns have FOMO (fear of missing out)??  Because it sure seems like it.  Once she is  asleep, the nights are great.  She'll usually give us a good 5 hour stretch and will go back to sleep no problem between feedings after that.

We recently took Lyla on her first road trip and headed south to spend the week at my parents' house in Klamath Falls.  She was SO great in the car!  We had a few minor fussy episodes, but that was about it. Traveling with a baby definitely takes a bit more time--breastfeeding pit stops and addressing blowouts are just part of the journey now.  Our sweet pups who normally hangout in our laps in the front wanted to be near Lyla and stayed in their bed next to her the whole ride (gah, so cute!).  We had a great time with my family.  There were no shortage of people to love on our girl, and it was SO nice to have all my meals prepared for me all week  :).  We missed Daddy, but he joined us later in the week to celebrate the 4th.  Lyla is getting lots of grandparent love this month, as Jake's parents are arriving tomorrow.  We are so excited for them to meet their newest grandchild!


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