Waiting on a baby girl...

Well, as of this past Saturday, Lyla and I are officially full term, folks.  It feels pretty surreal.  In all honesty, I'm really hoping she keeps cookin' awhile longer.  I'm of the mind that it's really ideal for babies to hangout until at least 38 weeks, preferably 39 or 40.  Don't get me wrong, it's not that I'm not uncomfortable (I am), or that I don't want to meet her just yet (I can't wait!), but I just need another week or two or three... and all the better for her growth and development!

As far as work goes, the plan is to keep on keeping on until May 30th (my due date is May 31st) or baby girl makes her debut-- whichever comes first.  Aside from the usual 9 months pregnant aches and pains, I still feel pretty good and it's not like my job is physically demanding.  Also, I only get 12 (unpaid) weeks off, and that 12 weeks is pretty finite.  What I really don't want is to leave work early and get less time with her.  I have a wonderful student worker that I have been training since early April to manage some of my work in my absence, so that has been lovely.  I am doing my best to wrap-up projects, clean out my inbox, organize my desk, delegate responsibilities, and save files in logical places before I go.  All of that being said, I have decided to draw the line at my due date.  For the sake of my (and my coworkers') sanity, I need to have an end-date in the office.  If she's 2 weeks late, so be it.  My mom did not make it to her due date with any of us, so we'll see...

Ahhh, pregnancy and childbirth.  Such an exercise in letting go for those of us with control issues :).

We spent our Mother's Day weekend in serious nesting mode, completing several projects around the house and putting some of the finishing touches on Lyla's nursery.  (We still have to hang drapes and prints, so a full nursery post will be coming later on!)  It was the first weekend since February that Jake wasn't working and we weren't out of town.  It was SO nice to sleep-in, spend the weekend together, and check a ton of stuff off of our list.  On Monday, I met with the lactation consultant... honestly, I have never talked about my breasts so much in my entire life (rumor has it that they will be even more of a topic of conversation post labor and delivery... yay).  On Tuesday, I headed to the fire department for their monthly car seat check.  They were quite impressed with Jake's installation (such a good daddy) and I was in and out of there well before the line of cars in front of me.  So, at this point, I am feeling very mentally, emotionally, and physically prepared for her arrival.  (As I typed that sentence, I realized that I had yet to pack my hospital bag.  Oops.  Working on it...) 

So, my sweet girl, whenever you'd like to join us, we're ready for you!
(But maybe just wait another week or two!)  :)


  1. So excited for you, Casey! Can't wait for the "she's HERE" post! :)

  2. Thanks, Laurie! I'm pretty excited for that post, too!! :)


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