I don't think we're in California anymore, Guido...

Saturday marks two weeks that Jake and I have been residing in the Beaver State. Not too much is different here, save the family of raccoons I saw running around campus one day in broad daylight, the river otter swimming in the creek by our house, and the fact that the temperature peaks at 4 pm everyday. Oh, and there's NO sales tax--two weeks in, and Jake and I are still not used to it. It's awesome.

As for the move itself--please note, I love my husband to the ends of the earth--it about killed us. Just days before we headed North, I had coffee with a friend who wisely said to me, "just remember, before marriage, opposites attract, after marriage, opposites attack." Thanks for that friendly reminder, Ty :). To say that Jake and I have different styles would be a gross understatement. Everything he did, from packing to cleaning to unpacking was exactly the way I would NOT do it (because, you know, I'm perfect. KIDDING.)
All of that said, at the end of each day I would remember that the fact that Jake was annoying me to no end meant that Jake was WITH me. Although he may not believe me, I do prefer that to getting my own way all the time :). Now that we are all unpacked and settling back in to normal life, our young marriage is much, much better.

Yesterday, we had the pleasure of eating fresh crab from the Alsea Bay off the Oregon Coast (about an hour west of where we live). My dad and my uncle took the boat out that afternoon (Jake had to work, so he missed out. Poor guy.) We (my parents, grandparents, aunt, uncle and cousins) all ended the evening with dinner in my aunt and uncle's backyard while we waited patiently for the crab to boil... it was finally ready at 9:30 pm, but was as good as ever. In just the very short time we've been here, Jake and I have had the opportunity to spend so much time with both my immediate and extended family. Given that my parents and siblings moved four years ago, and when I was growing up in SD, we had very little extended family nearby, this is something that I am just not used to, and it is really, really nice.

Oh yeah, and Guido, by the way, is one of two pups we rescued back in early July. We now have two endearing little chihuahuas, Stella and Guido-- between the two of them, they weigh less than 9 pounds--and they keep us entertained. Meet our pups:

Stay tuned for the much-promised photos of our new place!


  1. Hi Casey and Jake! Mom here - just wanted to say that this blog is such a fun idea and we are so happy to have all our chicks in the same state again :-) Love you both!!!!

  2. YAY you have a blog!! SO fun!! You make me laugh. Glad you are unpacked and getting semi settled... love you!!!


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